— Software Engineer (NOV 2021 - june 2023) Got Training of the Talent Recruit Product.
- Creating a high-level SaaS product that will aid recruiters in selection. Recruiters can customise their templates, jobs, and other options at any time, and the changes will be reflected in the posted websites. Building a less vulnerable product with Node.js as well as encrypting and decrypting the data.
- Worked on tasks on Javascript, ES6, Node.js, Express, simple RestAPI Asynchronous concept.
- Developing Backend APIs, which has 50+ customers.
- Debugging and testing the code.
- Designed, implemented and monitored Web applications for continuous improvement using
- MYSQL, JavaScript Collaborated on all stages of system development life-cycle, from requirement gathering to production releases.
— Software Development Engineer (Aug 2020- Nov 2021)
- Created a database with tables, views, stored procedures, triggers using SQL query on MySQL workbench.
- Developed documentation of all Node file using postman & also testing of REST APIs in postman to optimize the documentation and successful or different error as example.
- Worked GIT version control system
- Debugging and testing the code
- Database handling
—Nodejs Backend Internship (Jan 2020 - July 2020) Worked on JavaScript Asynchronous concept.
- Worked on client server model and MVC architecture, Nodejs packages.Learning MySQL
- Worked on routing
- VS studio software explore
- Languages: C++, Javascript, ECMAScript
- Development: Node.js, Express.js, RestAPIs, Data structure and Algorithm Framework: MVC, WebApi, Event Driven.
- Database: MongoDB, MySQL
- Version Control System: GIT
- S.:Linux, Window, GUI/IDE: Visual studio, Azure Devops, MYSQL workbench
Contact Manager Backend Application —Javascript, Es6, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB &
- Create an Express Server and Thunder Client Setup and Express Router & Contacts CRUD Route Setup
- Create Contact Controller for Contacts CRUD Operations
- Multiple HTTP Methods per Route and Built-in Middleware for POST Request Body
- Express - Throw Error and Error Handling Middleware
- Express Async Handler,MongoDb Setup ,Connect Express App to MongoDB Database and Mongoose Schema for Contacts
- CRUD Get All Contacts,Create New Contact,Get, Update ,Delete Contact
- Adding User Routes - Registration, Login & Current and Adding User Controller and Mongoose Schema for User
- User Registration & Password Hashing and JWT Access Token & User Login
- Protecting Routes - User and Verify JWT Token Middleware
- Handle Relationship User & Contact Schema and Protecting Routes - ContactLogged in User Get All Contacts,Create New Contact,Update & Delete Contact
File sharing Application— Node.js,Express,MongoDB
- upload a file in Node Js using a package called Multer. LANGUAGES English, Hindi,Braj
- use nodemailer to send emails using free SMTP from our node server.
- File upload api in Node Js
- Multer package integration
- Download file from Node Js server
- Send emails using node Js (express Js )
Work Sample:
Contact Manager Backend Application —Javascript, Es6,Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB & JWT
File sharing Application— Node.js, Express, MongoDB
- GitHub link for this project: <a href="https://github.com/Ak