Programming Languages:- C++, JavaScript, SQL,
Java Technologies:- React, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Git, HTML, CSS, Docker
Software Developer – 3 Years
- Coordinated with deployment team to successfully deploy web application on company's server
- Created a virtual environment with Docker to ensure OS independence of application
- Developed container images using dockerfiles for Frontend, Backend and Database components
- Linked containers using Docker Compose and integrated with Gitlab for Continuous Integration Proficient in using Docker, Gitlab, Docker Compose, and SQL
- Developed a Netflix Clone application using the MERN Stack. The project aimed to recreate the core functionalities of Netflix, allowing users to browse movies, TV shows, and create personalized watchlists.
- Implemented responsive and user-friendly UI, providing an intuitive browsing experience to users across various devices.
- Integrated Firebase for user authentication, enhancing security and user management. Designed and developed backend APIs using Express and MongoDB, enabling seamless data retrieval and updates.
- Proficient in React, Redux Toolkit, Node.js, Firebase, Express, MongoDB
Real-Time News Web Appilcation:
- Developed a real-time news web application that fetches news data from a news API and displays it.
- The application uses React JS to render the news data in a user-friendly interface.
- implemented Infinite Scroll, Read More and Different sections for different categories of News.
- Ability to fetch news data from a variety of news sources.
- Ability to filter news by topic, date, or source.
- Proficient in React JS, API fetching, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap 5 for web development.
Sorting Visualizer
- Developed a dynamic web application using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap 5 that visualizes various sorting algorithms such as bubble sort, quick sort, insertion sort, and selection sort.
- Incorporated user-dependent array size and speed of sorting algorithms to enhance user
- experience Designed and developed the website's user interface (UI) to create an intuitive user
- experience Proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap 5 for web development